about Thanks For Water

Thanks for Water is a yearly fundraiser that began in 2007. I decided then that I wanted to build a water project in a third world country every year for the rest of my life. Each year around Thanksgiving time I ask friends and family to donate to a specific project. Donations are collected through CHOICE Humanitarian and are tax deductible. Please help me to help others.

August 5, 2009

Thanks for Marriage

I'm getting married! to Greg Neil! on August 29th! You can find out all about it on our blog - The Neil Deal. Since we both already have too much stuff, we are asking people to donate to this cause. We have already raised $1,660. We just need $5,840 more and we can get these villages in Mexico their water system. Any extra donations will go toward other projects. I will keep everyone up to date on what is happening. Hopefully we can celebrate the joining of our lives by helping provide a better life for other people.


Lori said...

I wish I'd noticed that you had to put in "Thanks for Water" in the comment box a lot sooner. I've donated a couple of times in the past, and now realize that you probably didn't get either of those donations to go towards your project. Sorry. :(

Lori said...

Oh, yeah... and totally congrats on your marriage!! Neil's sister, Sarah, is getting married a few days later otherwise I'd really consider coming out for the reception and festivities! Woohoo for you both!